Imagine sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with every high school student in an entire nation. I have been invited to take part in a mission project that aims to do just that.
About five years ago, a group of Christian teachers traveled to Fiji with the goal of holding meetings in every high school in the country. During these assemblies, someone from the team shared the gospel and taught about the origin of humanity and our world—that God made everything with a purpose and our universe is not some cosmic accident of evolutionary processes.

Pictured here is the mission trip leader, Bruce Malone, speaking to a large gathering of Fijian students.
This program was enthusiastically endorsed by Fiji’s President and Ministry of Education when it was demonstrated that Fijian students’ test scores dramatically improved following the ministry’s mission efforts in the preceding years. Now that those first round of students have graduated, the team has the opportunity to return and reach the current high school students.
In February and March 2024, several teams of speakers will be canvassing the nation of Fiji with the goal of teaching as many high school students as possible about our Creator and the gospel of Jesus Christ—the Muslim and Hindu schools allow us to teach about God being the Creator but will not allow us to share the gospel in the presentations. Nevertheless, every student in every school will receive a free book that explains the gospel and covers 365 pieces of evidence showing that our world was indeed created by God.
Join Me in Sharing the Gospel with Thousands of Fijian Students
I taught high school for six years, and I absolutely loved it. I love my current job as well, but one of the things I have missed is the daily interaction with students. I am scheduled to be in Fiji during the first week of March, and I am so excited to teach and train students for an entire week.
Would you consider partnering with me in this incredible outreach opportunity? The cost of the entire trip is approximately $3500, and I am inviting you to participate in this amazing evangelistic event by helping me get to Fiji and join in the mission work there. [Update 12/26: Thanks to very generous support, I have now raised approximately 75% of the goal.]

Fijian students listening to a creation presentation during a prior mission trip.
If you are not able to contribute financially, please pray for the mission work during that time. Pray for the hearts of the students to be receptive to the gospel and that we will be able to teach clearly and accurately. Pray also that the weather will allow us to reach all the schools on our itinerary—this will be during hurricane season.
If you are able to contribute financially, everyone who donates at least $30 will receive a copy of Explore the World: Knowing God Exists by Observing Creation, the book that will be given to the Fijian students. Those contributing $75 or more will receive that book PLUS your choice of one of the books I’ve written or a single DVD available at my online store (you can leave a comment below to tell me which book/DVD you would like).
If you choose to contribute through prayer, financial support, and/or any other means of support, I would like to sincerely thank you. God has opened a door for us to speak to these students. May He be glorified through this wonderful opportunity.
I recently started a fundraising campaign page on Give Send Go, so click on the link earlier in this sentence if you would like to contribute. If you have any questions about the trip or are having difficulty giving through this platform and would like another option, please leave a comment below or send me a message at my author page on Facebook. You can also send a check to me at the following:
Tim Chaffey
PO Box 522
Burlington, KY 41005
Check out this video to learn more about the mission work and hear what one student had to say.
Here is a video filmed during a previous mission trip in Fiji from the project leader, Bruce Malone.
We are so happy that you have chosen to give of your time and talents to spread the Word. We gave via Give Send Go and would love a copy of Fallen:The Sons of God and the Nephilim
Thanks so much for your kind words and generous donation. I sent you an email to request your address so that we can send the books to you ASAP. God bless!