Graduation time is almost here. As a former teacher and someone who has been through five graduation ceremonies of my own, this can be an exciting time. It’s a time to look back on personal achievements and look forward to what the future may have in store.
Too many people try to plan their future without considering what the Lord expects from them. I’ve been guilty of this on many occasions, but I have learned how crucial it is for us to seek God’s plan instead of our own. When we turn things over to Him, He will guide and direct our paths.
Learning to do this can be difficult. It is so easy and natural for us to chase after our own dreams and desires. We think we have it all figured out, but our best laid plans often crumble. We have to realize that we don’t know the future and all of the circumstances that await. This is one of the reasons we need to give Him control. God knows the future and is in control. His way will always be best and we need to trust Him.
Speaking of my plans…
I know I had planned to blog more, so for those who were waiting on the edge of their seats for the next post, I apologize. (I’m glad no one was holding their breath.)
Although I wasn’t writing blog posts, I was still writing quite a bit. At work, I have been putting the finishing touches on editing an upcoming apologetics book, which was sent to the publisher last week. I also had to make several revisions to my thesis, which currently stands at 126 pages, so I spent many hours in various libraries in Cincinnati and Louisville. The subject is on identifying the “sons of God” and the “Nephilim” in Genesis 6:1–4. If/when I successfully defend it in the coming weeks, I plan to post some of my findings. It has been a fascinating study and I believe it will be one of the most comprehensive studies on the subject.
Once the thesis is completed, I will have earned my Th.M. in Church History and Theology and will finally be done with school. I am definitely looking forward to enjoying some free time with my family.
I still have several writing projects planned, but they won’t be research papers. I am hoping to transform my thesis from an academic paper into a book. I am also planning to get moving on books 4–6 of the Truth Chronicles. We have the plots and outlines all laid out, but we just need to find some time to write them.
I’m want to update the blog on a much more regular basis, but again, those are my plans. We’ll have to wait and see what the Lord has in store in the coming weeks and months. I do know and trust that His way is best. God bless!
Thanks for reading!