This question will undoubtedly be mocked by many atheists and skeptics, but this only supports the point I want to make in this post. As many readers of this blog know, I work at Answers in Genesis so I routinely hear about some of the numerous attacks upon that ministry (and other creationists ministries) from some very vocal atheists and skeptics. They ridicule and mock us for our beliefs, but why do they do this?
Think about this for a few minutes. Atheism is a belief system that has absolutely no arguments going for it. The two most popular “proofs” of atheism do not actually support or prove it at all. Let’s look briefly at these two “proofs” for this godless belief system.
The first major argument used by many atheists to support their view is evolution. Besides the fact that evolution (in the molecules-to-man sense where one kind of animal evolves into another kind) has never been observed and we know that it cannot happen, atheists tout this so-called science to promote their view. Evolution supposedly happened in the past and therefore is not qualified to be part of operational science (like chemistry, physics, etc.). Instead, it falls under the category of “historical science” wherein the researcher makes educated guesses about the past. Now, the best place to learn about our history is from a reliable historical record, which is exactly what Christians have in the Bible. But the evolutionist does not have a written record of past events to support their view. Instead, they must interpret data from rock layers, the solar system, etc., and make educated guess (based on the false philosophy of uniformitarianism) about what they think happened in the past. (Note: it is unlikely that an evolutionist will ever acknowledge the two different kinds of science mentioned, because as soon as they grant that point, they lose the debate.)
Now we could debate all day long about whether they are right or wrong, but here’s my point. Even if evolution could be shown to be true (which it can’t), it doesn’t prove atheism at all. It certainly doesn’t match what the Bible teaches, but there are millions of people who believe in some form of theistic evolution. That is, they believe God or a god used evolutionary processes to create this world. So as it turns out, evolution doesn’t prove atheism. It is simply used in an effort to attack Christianity (and, at times, some other faiths), which is really the agenda of many of these skeptics and atheists in the first place.
The second greatest “proof” of atheism is the so-called problem of evil. Bible-believing Christians have the answer to this question. In fact, we are the only ones who can answer this problem appropriately, as I demonstrate in my book, God and Cancer: Finding Hope in the Midst of Life’s Trials.
But here is the problem for the atheist. If they are right that God does not exist, then who defines what is good or evil? For the atheist, there really is no such thing as good or evil, since everything just is. It is neither good or bad, right or wrong, good or evil. It just exists. Furthermore, everyone (or each society) gets to decide right or wrong for himself. So what may be viewed as evil by one atheist may be seen as good by another. Worse yet, if atheism were true, then we would simply be a collection of chemicals that, by a blind stroke of luck, came together in just the right way. But if that is true, then our decisions are actually not decisions at all. They are determined by the chemical reactions in our brains and man has no free will.
So, if the atheist were to be consistent, they would stop trying to convince others that Christianity is wrong. After all, if atheism were true, then man has no free will, and Christians would be Christians because they have to be. That’s what the chemical reactions in our brains have forced us to be.
If you think about it, a person who is really an atheist should have a “live and let live” mentality toward others, since each person gets to decide truth for himself or herself. There are some atheists out there who are friendly, like S. E. Cupp. But the so-called New Atheists, like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, P.Z. Myers, and their ilk are very aggressive in promoting their agenda, which often includes mocking Christians, especially those who believe the creation account in Genesis. See my earlier article entitled “Leading Atheists Display Their Bias” for another example of their hypocrisy.

The "Reverend" Barry Lynn repeatedly lies about the Ark Encounter project in Kentucky and irreverently mocks Christianity and the Bible. Is this sort of behavior consistent with being a reverend?
Recently, the “Reverend” Barry Lynn from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, posted a video in which he appeals for funding so they can continue their “education and legal programs.” Here is a link to another blog which shows the video and critiques it. Yet throughout the video Lynn repeatedly lies about the biblical account of the Ark and the upcoming Ark Encounter project. He knows full well that tax payers are not funding the Ark project, yet he continues to irreverently lie through his teeth about it. This is the same guy whose group filed a lawsuit to stop ministries from sharing the Gospel in certain prisons. What kind of “reverend” would sue to stop people from sharing the Gospel? Barry Lynn is a wolf in sheep’s clothing (see Matthew 7:15). I don’t know if he thinks he is actually an atheist, but he seems to always agree with atheists against Christianity. So if the shoe fits…
Why do people like Barry Lynn resort to mockery and lies? If they are the ones that supposedly have the truth on their side, then why are they so afraid to let the public hear the facts? Many of these people are the same ones who filed lawsuits in their vain efforts to keep the Creation Museum from being built in Kentucky. Since nearly every major U.S. city has publicly funded museums touting their evolutionary religion, why are they so afraid of one privately funded Creation Museum? Why is Barry Lynn so determined to lie about the Ark Encounter project, not only in this appeal for funding video, but he also lied about it in a debate with Ken Ham on Anderson Cooper’s show on CNN.
The answer is obvious. Barry Lynn and the New Atheists know the truth. Deep down, they know God exists. That’s why they spend so much time railing against Him. If they truly believed He wasn’t real, then they wouldn’t worry so much about Him. They are trying desperately to justify their professed unbelief. They are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness, just like Romans 1:18 talks about. And, just like Romans 1:22 states, “Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Psalm 14:1 is also clear, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.'” That is what the Bible says about people who deny God, because they are rejecting what they know to be true.
Christians need to pray for these people and help others who buy into their nonsense to see the truth. We also need to trust God from the very beginning of His Word, speak the truth in love, and model godly behavior in an ungodly world. Let’s make sure that if the atheist is going to reject God, it is because the message of the Cross offends them (1 Corinthians 1:18), not the messenger.
Thanks for reading.
I stumbled upon your blog by complete accident. I couldn’t stop reading and what to applaud you! May God bless you!
Here’s the problem with your post: Atheists are not the ones making fantastical claims as facts. Christians are the ones who claim creationism therefore, the burden of proof is on them. So, instead of providing proof, they goaded Atheists into providing evidence that there was no god. Afterall, why do the work when you can convince someone else to do it? So, they thought and studied and presented some theories. Christians followed up with “Well, that’s just a theory. My bible is fact and it does not support your theory. Therefore, you lose!” This ridiculousness has gone on for millenia. No matter how much evidence is compiled that refutes biblical mythology, christians will have none of it and will not even attempt to provide a shred of actual evidence to support the existence of god. If christians were to provide actual proof, not more of the made up fairytale, that in and of itself would be a true miracle. Even though they can’t and never will be able to, we’d be content to have them believe whatever they want so long as they stop shoving it down everyone else’s proverbial throats.
There are several problems with your claims. First, atheists are making fantastical claims as facts. No one has ever observed life come from non-life, information from non-information, or intelligence from non-intelligence. Nor has anyone ever demonstrated why the alleged big bang would override the second law of thermodynamics (i.e., why would the universe go from disorder to order when the second law shows us the opposite?). When you look at a building, you don’t argue that it came about by random chance processes, so why would you think that when it comes to something so much more complex, like a single cell?
I would agree with you that it can be ridiculous when some Christians do not even attempt to provide a shred of actual evidence for the existence of God. However, there may be times when it is pointless to do so because of the person asking for such evidence. The question I have for you is “What would you be willing to accept as evidence that God exists?” What if it could be demonstrated that biblical writers repeatedly foretold the future with incredible precision in hundreds of prophecies? Would you accept that as evidence that the biblical writers received their information from someone who obviously knew exactly what would happen in the future? What if I could show that Jesus not only predicted His own death and resurrection, but He actually did rise from the dead? Would you accept that as evidence? Think about it, the one man who claimed to be God in the flesh, worked miracles, is considered by nearly everyone (including many skeptics and critics) to be the greatest example of morality the world has ever known, fulfilled dozens of prophecies concerning his birth, life, death, and resurrection, just happens to be the one man that atheists curse and attack over an over again. Why is that? You claim that Christians can’t provide any proof and never will be able to, yet there were over 500 eyewitnesses of the risen Jesus. They certainly thought that was good enough proof, as did many who were skeptics at the time. The disciples were all willing to die for their belief that Jesus truly rose from the dead–and they were in a position to know if it was true or not.
You see, the problem isn’t a lack of evidence. The problem is that you don’t want to believe that it’s true (even though you know deep down that it is and you’ve suppressed that truth in unrighteousness). Someday you will face Jesus and you will be without excuse for your unbelief because He has made it abundantly clear. Yet you’ve chosen to reject the obvious in favor of the fairy tale of evolution. I would like to challenge you to study the circumstances surrounding the Resurrection of Jesus. Do your best to disprove it. If you are truly scientifically minded and willing to examine the evidence as objectively as possible (as you seem to think you are), then you’ll be surprised at what you conclude. By the way, this will entail studying the writings of people that you don’t agree with too. I would recommend that you start with the debate between Gary Habermas and Anthony Flew and go from there.
Also, could you please explain how I shoved my ideas down everyone’s proverbial throats? They have to come to my blog and take the time to read my articles, and somehow that is me shoving my ideas down their throats.
We are not afraid of Creationists. We point and laugh.
Thank you for verifying my opening statement: “This question will undoubtedly be mocked by many atheists and skeptics, but this only supports the point I want to make in this post.”
“Now we could debate all day long about whether they are right or wrong, but here’s my point. Even if evolution could be shown to be true (which it can’t), it doesn’t prove atheism at all.”
There is no debate. Evolution has been an established truth for more than a century.
Evolution has obvious religious implications and that’s why it terrifies you.
Human Ape wrote:
If evolution were true, debate would be impossible since laws of logic would not (and could not) exist. Yet since you have used the law of identity and the law of non-contradiction in your post, you have just responded inconsistently with your worldview.
I am not in any way terrified of evolution. I feel sorry for those who have accepted it, and it’s sad how it is often used to justify unbelief in the Creator (Jesus Christ). Like I mentioned in the post, evolution doesn’t prove atheism at all.
God has proven His existence beyond any shadow of a doubt to anyone who is willing to humble themselves and believe. He has shown us through creation, our conscience, and through fulfilled prophecy. God’s Word has described people like you who suppress the truth in unrighteousness in the following verses:
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. (Romans 1:18–23, NKJV)
“Dawkins has not produced, nor has any evolutionist ever produced, any examples of one kind of animal turning into another kind of animal.”
How do you explain ERVs?
How do you explain Human Chromosome Two?
How do you explain the thousands of other discoveries made by molecular biologists that have repeatedly shown beyond any doubt we share an ancestor with the other modern Great Ape species?
I know how you explain the massive and still rapidly growing evidence for evolution. You pretend your total ignorance of science makes you equal to the world’s biologists. Your dishonesty might fool your gullible customers and little brainwashed children, but real scientists laugh at your pathetic fear of reality.
“Jonathan Sarfati”
What scientific discoveries has your professional science denier made?
Nothing. He has contributed nothing to biology or any other branch of science.
Meanwhile, the molecular biologists who work at Harvard and MIT love evolution and they have made countless scientific discoveries that, for example, show beyond any doubt we share an ancestor with chimps.
The scientists at the top universities of the world do not share your magical creationism fantasies. Do you ever wonder why? Hint: they are brilliant, not brain-dead like your customers.
Human Ape wrote:
I am not a biologist, so I will simply provide links to articles from a couple of PhD biologists. These deal with ERVs: and
How do I deal with human chromosome two? I think the bigger question is how do you deal with any chromosomes, since these are loaded with information and information cannot arise by chance. So I’m not really the one with the problem here. But if you’d like an article (which I know you really don’t, you just want to attack), here you go:
Once again, you can continue to mock me and other creationists just like I said you would. But you are the one that is running from God—and you know it. Do you really believe that information comes from non-information, intelligence from non-intelligence, and life from non-life? Talk about blind faith. No, you don’t really believe that deep down. You know the truth, but you are suppressing it in unrighteousness. I pray that God will soften your heart and give you ears to hear the truth. Turn from your sin and trust in Him.
“Atheism is a belief system that has absolutely no arguments going for it.”
Then not believing in the Easter Bunny is a belief system, according to your logic.
“They ridicule and mock us for our beliefs, but why do they do this?”
Your fantasies have no evidence.
“I work at Answers in Genesis”
I wonder how you sleep at night knowing that you’re destroying the minds of innocent children.
Human Ape wrote:
The analogy of comparing God to the Easter Bunny is seriously flawed. The alleged Easter Bunny never performed miracles in front of thousands of witnesses. It never fulfilled dozens of precise prophecies, such as the location of birth (a virgin birth at that), manner and timing of sacrificial death, and subsequent resurrection from the dead. God has done each of these things and much more. This is more than adequate evidence.
Once again, you can resort to mockery and ridicule. That’s exactly what I said atheists would do, so you are only verifying my initial statements.
I actually sleep quite well at night knowing God is in control of this universe and that He loved us so much that He was willing to die in our place on the Cross. I’m also thankful that I’ve been given a tremendous opportunity to teach young people (and people of all ages) the truth about God, His Word, and His world.
Why is it that you are so concerned with attacking the idea of the biblical God? It’s because deep down you know the truth and you are trying to justify your unbelief. I pray you will one day humble yourself, turn from your sin, and call on Christ to save you before it’s too late. He will never turn away a repentant sinner. But one day you will bow the knee before Christ and proclaim that He is Lord. I just hope you will do it willingly while you still have an opportunity, rather than being forced to do it at your judgment. (Philippians 2:9–11)
For a detailed outline of the evidence supporting evolution I suggest you read “The greatest show on Earth”, by Richard Dawkins. In the book he details several examples of evolution observed in the wild today.
You strongly recommend you also read “Jesus, Interrupted” by biblical scholar Bart D. Ehrman. Using historical analysis, Ehrman details how the stories in the bible came to be there, who the authors actually were, what motivated them to write what they wrote, and basically how Christian beliefs developed during the first three centuries AD. A fascinating insight into the foundations of Christianity by a eminent biblical scholar. An enlightening read.
For a detailed critique of Dawkins and his bombastic claims, see The Greatest Hoax on Earth by Jonathan Sarfati. Dawkins has not produced, nor has any evolutionist ever produced, any examples of one kind of animal turning into another kind of animal. We are repeatedly shown examples of moths that turn into moths and bacteria that turn into bacteria. This is not evolution in the molecules-to-man sense, but enough people fall for the bait-and-switch move that Dawkins and others sell here.
Bart Ehrman is a scholar, and seemingly likeable guy. He’s smart, and communicates well, both in speech and in his writing. However, Ehrman often wildly misleads his readers, not necessarily with particular details, but with the conclusions he makes based on those details. Furthermore, he repeatedly acts as though all biblical scholarship agrees with his findings when nothing could be further from the truth. He rarely acknowledges any of the other views that do not agree with his. He writes about things that scholars, both conservative and liberal, have known about for years, and treats it as new research. One thing he has accomplished is that he has been able to communicate some of the boring details of textual criticism to the average person in a way that makes it seem exciting. There are many excellent critiques of Ehrman’s works. I really enjoyed Timothy Paul Jones’ book, Misquoting Truth, and rebuttal of Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus.
I am in the process of writing an article to refute some of Ehrman’s claims in his new book, Forged. I’ll be sure to post some details in the coming weeks on that.