This past week has been an exciting one for me. It started on Friday (17th). I had the lead article on the Answers in Genesis website. It was a feedback article concerning the 2012 hype. Of course, from a biblical perspective, there is no reason to worry about 2012 (or worry at all, for that matter). Check it out here:
I also had the privilege of attending the Deeper Conference hosted by the Living Waters ministry. I met a bunch of great folks at the conference and was able to give copies of The Truth Chronicles to some influential people.
On Saturday (18th) I became the father of a teenager. My little girl is now 13. Where has the time gone? We celebrated as a family by going to a movie, going out to eat, and playing laser tag. What a blast!
On Monday (20th) my new youth series, The Truth Chronicles, was featured in the lead article on the Answers in Genesis website. In addition to this, my publisher put together a website for the books ( and we started up a facebook page dedicated to the series.
On Tuesday (21st) I attended the Pastor’s Conference hosted by Answers in Genesis. I listened to some great speakers and had the honor of talking to Dr. John Whitcomb, a true gentleman and hero of the faith. I will be returning to the conference tomorrow and look forward to some more great messages.
Thanks for stopping by and reading.