Q & A Series: Should Christians Believe in Biblical Inerrancy?

Should a follower of Christ believe that the Bible was written flawlessly and without error?

Absolutely Yes! Allow me to explain.

First, it follows logically that if the Bible is the word of God (which it claims to be over 3,000 times in various ways), and God cannot lie (Heb. 6:18), then the Bible cannot be in error.

Second, Jesus taught that the Old Testament was inerrant. He said , “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished” (Matt. 5:18). He also said that the Scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35). He may have also taught that the New Testament was inerrant in John 16:13. Jesus told His disciples that after He departed, the Holy Spirit would guide the disciples “into all truth.”

The New Testament authors certainly believed the Old Testament was inerrant. Paul told Timothy that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” (2 Tim. 3:16). This was written near the very end of Paul’s life (since he mentioned his impending death in the next chapter). It is very interesting that in his earlier letter to Timothy, Paul called the Gospel of Luke Scripture and placed it on the same level as the Old Testament (1 Tim. 5:18). Peter called Paul’s writings Scripture in 2 Peter 3:15-16.

Third, there has never been one fact of history, science, archaeology, etc., that contradicts the Bible. Many have claimed that science contradicts the Bible, but the Bible actually provides the only basis for science. This topic is covered in greater detail in my first book, Old-Earth Creationism on Trial.

In Volume I of his Systematic Theology (p. 495), Norman Geisler summarizes five reasons to believe in biblical inerrancy based on statements from Scripture:
1) That it is God-breathed.
2) That it is a prophetic writing.
3) That it has divine authority.
4) That it is what God says.
5) That it is called “the Word of God” or the like.

Finally, it is important to understand what the doctrine of inerrancy actually states. It is that the entire Bible is without error in the original manuscripts. The last two words are key, because there are some versions/translations today that have some minor copyist errors (by minor, I mean that a number or word is transposed or some other common typographical error.) This takes us into the realm of textual criticism, which is an entirely different subject.

For more on that particular issue, check out an article I wrote for the Answers in Genesis website on whether the Bible is authoritative and inerrant. I would also recommend Dr. Gleason Archer’s detailed discussion of textual criticism in A Survey of Old Testament Introduction.

Old-Earth Creationism on Trial: The Verdict Is In

Old-Earth Creationism provides a respectful critique of the arguments used by those who seek to mix the Bible with billions of years.

[originally posted on my old blog (12/4/08)]

Since this is my first post on my first blog, I suppose I don’t mind doing a plug for my first book. It is entitled Old-Earth Creationism on Trial: The Verdict is In, and was co-authored by Dr. Jason Lisle, Ph.D. in Astrophysics.

This book examines the arguments used by Christians who accept the common belief that the Earth and universe are billions of years old. Many of these Christians make claims that Scripture allows for this belief and they have promoted numerous arguments to support their view. Our book compiles all of these “biblical” arguments into one place and cross-examines them from a biblical perspective.

To accomplish our goal, we divided the book into three sections. The first section deals with the age of the Earth. Does the Bible teach that the Earth is appx. 6,000 years old or does it allow for billions of years? The second section deals with the extent of the Genesis Flood. Most old-earth creationists believe it was a local flood because they accept that the rock layers are evidence of billions of years (a worldwide flood would completely re-work those layers). Young-earth creationists believe the Flood was worldwide, just as Genesis clearly states. Finally, Dr. Lisle wrote two chapters on the philosophy of science to show people how science works and doesn’t work. These chapters explain how Christians need to base their thinking on the revealed word of God because no other foundation can lead to the truth.

So just what is the verdict? Well, there are a few ways to find out. You can contact me or you can read the book. However, there is a better way. Read the Bible for yourself and see what God has to say about this issue. The Bible is His message to us and He is capable of communicating His message to us in an understandable manner.

Of course, I would strongly recommend the book to all believers—especially church leaders. The church has bought the lie for far too long that this is just a side issue. What so many fail to understand is that too many people raised in Christian homes have rejected the Gospel because they were also taught that Genesis is inaccurate or irrelevant. If they don’t believe the first part of the book, they don’t feel they can believe the rest of it either. Sadly, too many church leaders are content to assist them in their apathy and/or unbelief. Old-Earth Creationism on Trial is designed to correct this problem by demonstrating that the Bible can be trusted from its very first verse.

We took great care to use gentleness and respect in dealing with old-earth creationists in this book. They are fellow believers and should be treated as such. We have received some great reviews so far. Here’s one from a fellow blogger named Angie: (Read Review)

I invite you to take a look for yourself. It is available at Amazon.com, Answers in Genesis, Christianbook.com, and practically anywhere else that books are sold.

If you have already read it, would you consider posting a review here in the comment section or at Amazon and/or Christianbook.com? Thanks for reading!